Top 10 Resources to Get a University Job in South Korea
TweetTop 10 Resources to Help you Get a University Job in South KoreaSo you want a university job in South Korea? They really are some prime, prime English teaching job action. What other job would...
View ArticleHow to Say ‘I’m Sorry’ in Korean
TweetWhen living in a foreign country, you are bound to make cultural faux pas, mistakes, and other general errors.Embarrassing!Therefore, learning how to say ‘I’m sorry’ in Korean will be very useful...
View ArticleDrastic Decrease in Number of University Students in Korea by 2023: What...
TweetThat’s HugeThe other day I was flipping through the latest issue of Busan Haps and I ran across the “number in the news” which stated that from 2013—>2023, the number of university students in...
View ArticleGeumwangsa Temple – 금왕사 (Namhae, Gyeongsangnam-do)
TweetThe view that this Vajra Warrior gets to enjoy at Geumwangsa Temple in Namhae, Gyeongsangnam-do.Hello Again Everyone!!Geumwangsa Temple, which is located south of the city centre of Namhae,...
View Article6 Ethnic Enclaves of Seoul
TweetNot all of Korea feels Korean.Korea is approximately 96% ethnically homogeneous, but also serves as one of several central business and international relation hubs for all of Asia. Similar to...
View ArticleWhy Is Researching Korean Culture Easier in Japan?
TweetBy Hal SwindallAnyone who has lived in Korea for a short time, or even knows the country by reputation, has heard of Koreans’ pride in their cultural heritage. The deep Korean desire that...
View ArticleGenderfluid in Korea–One Teenager’s Story
TweetEditor’s note: the writer of the following piece required anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject. Any responses can be sent to As Eve bit into the fruit from the tree...
View ArticleTo Canada and Back Again: A Photographer’s Story pt 4
TweetOne of the most beautiful campuses in Canada.As I finished my studies at St.FX, I was starting to get a little too comfortable and secretly wishing that my wife was on her way over to Canada to...
View ArticleDisappearing Text ESL Vocabulary Game
TweetDisappearing Text ESL Vocabulary GameSkills: Reading/Speaking Time: 5-10 minutes Materials: Whiteboard, marker and eraserDisappearing text is a fun ESL vocabulary game that also works on English...
View Article서울창포원 (Seoul Iris Garden)
TweetSeoul, South Korea — Flowers are probably one of the easiest subjects to photograph. So, I decided one Saturday afternoon to stroll around Seoul Iris Garden on my own and getting there is super...
View ArticleThe Closed-Page–The Provincial Policies of Korean Dailies
TweetBy IwazaruOne of the reasons we started 3WM (and DDD before it) was to provide a platform for writers whose work the traditional dailies usually rejected. During this most recent hiatus, through...
View ArticleOrganic Farming in Korea–Beating Pesticides, Parasites and Pathogens
TweetBy Clinton StamatovichKorea has seen a shift in awareness of the quality of its produce lately after the Korean Organic Farmers Association (KOFA) reported a high quantity of pesticides used...
View ArticleHeezy Yang Mini Showcae: Moloko Plus in ITaewon
TweetMoloko Plus, a not-gay bar on homo hill, will be hosting an art showcase featuring works by artist Heezy Yang. Pieces will have a focus on Korean politics and LGBT issues.As of now, the exhibition...
View ArticleEast Asia’s History Wars: South Korean and Japan (Yes, once again)
TweetNewsweek Japan ran a story last week on the continuing history disputes in Northeast Asia. I love that cover (left). Here is internet link to that issue.I was asked to contribute regarding South...
View ArticleHow to Say ‘Goodnight’ in Korean
TweetLet’s talk about how to say “goodnight’ in Korean.Although several phrases will be taught in this lesson, it may be best to pick one formal and one less formal expression and practice trying to...
View ArticleBusan Climate Action Film Festival 2015, Nov. 6~7
Busan Climate Action Film Festival 2015, Nov. 6~7 TweetBusan’s newest film festival to provide information in an entertaining way on the topic of how best to deal with global warming...
View ArticleThe Great Korean Gym Debate
The Great Korean Gym Debate TweetAs many of you probably remember, I've been working diligently to shed weight while in Korea. I didn't get a scale until April or May, and I figure I ballooned when I...
View ArticleLecture at UCSD: "The Disappearance of a "Lesbian Park": Space, Gender, and...
TweetThis week, there is another queer-related lecture at UCSD looking at the disappearance of a "Lesbian Park" in Seoul. The flyer below gives you enough information.
View ArticleKorea Attractions: Jagalchi Fish Market Walking Tour
TweetBusan is like a former NBA basketball player named Scott Pippen. Do you know who he is? If your a basketball fan from the 1990s then you will know who I’m referring to, otherwise you probably have...
View ArticleVocabulary Games for ESL Students
Tweet Teaching English vocabulary is traditionally quite boring for the students as well as the teacher. However, it doesn’t have to be tedious if you play a few vocabulary games for ESL students....
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