metaphoring: beautiful Yay finally it’s legal throughout the...
Tweetmetaphoring:beautifulYay finally it’s legal throughout the U.S.A.!
View Articlemicdotcom: This is the most beautiful, important paragraph from...
Tweetmicdotcom:This is the most beautiful, important paragraph from the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision. MAIN BLOG YouTube HubPages*Videos and regular photos are the property...
View ArticleKorean Media on US Same-sex Marriage Ruling
Korean Media on US Same-sex Marriage Ruling TweetRight before heading to sleep last night, my boyfriend and I heard the great news. Same-sex marriage is now legal in the entire USA! We woke up to a...
View ArticleCharades ESL Game
TweetCharades: An ESL Speaking GameCharades ESL Game: An IntroductionSkills: Speaking Time: 20-30 minutes Level: Beginner to Advanced Materials Required: White boardYou can use this charades ESL...
View ArticleSudasa Temple – 수다사 (Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do)
Tweet The jovial dharma that greets you at Sudasa Temple.Hello Again Everyone!!Sudasa Temple, in Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, is located on the southern slopes of Mt. Giyangsan. Sudasa Temple was first...
View ArticlePNU to Haeundae - Weekend Warriors II
TweetBirthdays in Korea are a little bit more special - especially the first ones away - since we're not surrounded by family and lifelong friends. Our new friends become our family quickly, and we...
View ArticlePoetry Plus+
TweetPoetry Plus+ 41June 27, 2015Poetry Plus+ nights (used to ) go down every six weeks or so at a local jazz club named after Thelonius Sphere Monk, jazz pianist. English teachers from Canada, the...
View ArticleMaking irresponsible decisions one hangover at a time!
TweetYou know what sucks? Not getting paid for eight weeks. Know what extra sucks? Funding an international move and not getting paid for eight weeks. Know what extra extra sucks? Being really bad at...
View ArticlePoetry Plus+ 41 Photos & Videos
Poetry Plus+ 41 Photos & Videos TweetAfter an eight year hiatus, Poetry Plus+ returned to Busan on June 27, 2015. The night included music, spoken word, theater, film, humor, & visual arts on...
View ArticleHow I feel the morning after the Pride Parade in Seoul. lol Omg...
TweetHow I feel the morning after the Pride Parade in Seoul. lol Omg I even went to bed early, but I still feel exhausted from being out in the sun for so long. The event was wonderful. So worth it!...
View ArticleThe Flipside
Tweetby Fred ColtonThey were supposed to practice writing Mandarin characters but Luke always just sat there and drew dicks. 4,000 hanzi to learn and not a single one Luke couldn’t turn into a thin...
View ArticleThe 4th Annual Busan Drag Prom @ Almost Famous (July 4)
TweetFrom:'s that time of year again when the beautiful people of Busan celebrate diversity in all its forms!Step right up to the Busan Drag Prom!On...
View ArticleWhy I Hate the Word "Diet"
Tweet"Are you on a diet?"I am so incredibly mind-numbingly sick of this question. Don't get me wrong, I don't always hate the word diet. "These ancient peoples ate a diet consisting of..." is totally...
View Article65. – 68. Dongnae Coffee Shop, Manna Dream, Funny Salon, Happy Coffee (Gimhae)
Tweet65. Dongnae Coffee Shop. This place, in the Yeonji Park lightrail station section of Gimhae, is so small and innocuous I didn’t even notice it at first. But, they made me a decent cup of 2-shot...
View ArticleThe Scar of Jeju Island: The Jeju April 3 Incident
The Scar of Jeju Island: The Jeju April 3 Incident TweetThis is a travel diary of a Trazer Hyoseung Allyson W from Jeju Island. The April 3 IncidentThe April 3 Incident is an unfamiliar yet important...
View ArticleHalmoni
Halmoni Tweet There is a halmoni (old woman/grandmother) I always see on my way to work. She is too frail and too old to fend for herself, but she sits in front of a cellphone shop everyday, selling...
View ArticleNaked and Afraid: Korea Edition
Naked and Afraid: Korea Edition TweetGet ready: today's post has 50 + pictures. No, not nudie pics as the title might suggest - we'll get to that later, though.I had planned on heading out to the...
View ArticleMy Life! Teaching in a Korean University has Moved
TweetThis blog is slowly migrating over to a new site: at a rate of a few post a day, but there's already a lot of content up there now. I think you'll find the...
View ArticleESL Conversation Class: Tips to Make it Awesome
TweetEnglish conversation classESL Conversation Class: Great, or Terrible?Over my decade teaching English in South Korea, I’ve had some great English conversation classes and I’ve also had some pretty...
View ArticleAll the Coffee in Korea (An Evolving List)
All the Coffee in Korea (An Evolving List) TweetWould you like a little T’aegukki with your coffee?How much is “All the Coffee in Korea” anyway? That answer, to anyone who has walked this country’s...
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