Dealing with MERS Outbreak, Prevention and Places to Avoid
TweetSince last week, from the time MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) has been in the news both here in Korea and abroad, my Mom’s relentless reminders have hounded me and pushed me to take extra...
View ArticleAbe, the US, and ‘Korea Fatigue’: How Interested is the US in the Korean...
Abe, the US, and ‘Korea Fatigue’: How Interested is the US in the Kore TweetThat is Wendy Sherman in Korea before the flap over her ‘history’ remarks.The following essay was originally posted here, at...
View ArticleDue to MERS, Queer Culture Festival Opening Ceremony to be Held on Youtube
TweetThe 2015 Korea Queer Culture Festival has decided to hold the opening ceremony over Youtube this year due to worries of MERS.Although organizers of the festival worked hard to have the opening...
View ArticleMERScation Continues: Sunday on Daecheon Beach
TweetAs I mentioned in the previous post, the MERS scare has caused a beautiful rarity for us teachers in Cheonan: SCHOOL HAS BEEN CANCELED! Most of us are experiencing a glorious four to five day...
View ArticleThe beginning of April marks cherry blossoms blooming in Korea....
Tweet Busan to Jinhae Sitting on the bus floor Eating rice cake in Jinhae Posing with a selfie stick Posing with a selfie stick Posing with a selfie stick Posing with a selfie stick Posing with a...
View ArticleHow to Teach Speaking: Change Partners Often
TweetHow to Teach Speaking: Change Partners OftenOne aspect of how to teach speaking to ESL or EFL students is to require them to change partners often. This is necessary for a variety of reasons-I...
View ArticleDoing some desk-warming at the moment. So I’m looking through my...
TweetDoing some desk-warming at the moment. So I’m looking through my Pap’s old photographs from the Korean war. My Pap was always into photography and gadgets so of course he photographed some of his...
View ArticleKorean Doctors Placed Under Self-quarantine for MERS Contagion Visit the...
TweetAs South Korea reinforces measures to contain the spread of MERS across the country, the number of fatalities and MERS cases continue to arise. As of today, the number of those infected has...
View ArticleMy friends used to joke that there was a Denny’s restaurant in...
TweetMy friends used to joke that there was a Denny’s restaurant in Busan. At first, I believed them, and when I realized it was a joke, I was really sad. There have been a lot of Sunday mornings when...
View ArticlePhotography and the Growth Mindset
TweetHere is the result of moving my tripod while the shutter was still openFor the past 10 weeks I have been studying the “Principles of Learning” as a part of my masters degree in education. This...
View ArticleTaking a Lunch Buffet Cruise in Han river.
Tweet Did you watch the drama, “My Love from the Star”? In the drama, main characters took a cruise in Han river. Like the stars in the drama, how about taking a cruise in Han river with a luxury lunch...
View ArticleKorea Queer Culture Festival 2015 Schedule and the Video of Opening Ceremoney
TweetThe Opening Ceremony of the Korea Queer Culture Festival went off without a hitch (other than being broadcast live on Youtube rather than allowing participants), and can be viewed in its entirety...
View ArticleMean Girls
TweetHow do you teach mean girls?Today, my evening class contained arrogant, catty, and peevish young women.These kids are fourteen, so I felt like I could talk to them as if they were young adults....
View ArticleThe Moonlight tour of Changdeokgung Palace
The Moonlight tour of Changdeokgung Palace TweetThere are five main palaces in Korea. I had been to the biggest and majestic Gwanghwamun palace which is a must-see for all tourists because of all the...
View ArticleThursday, March 5, 2015I celebrated Daeboreum (대보름) by going to...
TweetThursday, March 5, 2015I celebrated Daeboreum (대보름) by going to Haeundae Beach to watch the bonfire. I went in 2011. This year was so much better because I went with my mom, and her energy and...
View ArticleMy Life! Teaching in a Korean University is Moving
TweetThis site will no longer be updated (although the content will remain). I've started the very (slow!) process of moving the best posts from this site over to a new one. Put it into your feed to...
View ArticleBoard Games for ESL Students
TweetBoard games for ESL students are a fun way to review the concepts you’ve been talking about during that class. They often come in the teacher’s book that accompanies your textbook, or you can...
View ArticleHow I Accidentally Killed Benny’s Hedgehog
Tweetby O. LangerIn a recent study by psychologists at the University of California, Berkeley, one hundred ten-year-old boys and a hundred ten-year-old girls were sat at tables with a pencil and sheet...
View ArticleAll the Coffee in Korea: Resurrection
TweetIn the past two years, the number of coffee shops in South Korea has only grown.In September 2013, while still living and teaching in Busan, I had an idea to chronicle the vast number of...
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