It’s been just over a month since I last wrote, I haven’t gone this long without writing in over a year, if not more. So, where the heck have I been?
The truth is, nowhere. I’ve been right here. But there have been a few reasons why I haven’t written in a long while. I’ve met some people in my life who seem to write best or become creatively inspired when they are upset or unhappy. I am not one of those people. I find when I’m stressed or upset, I don’t feel like pouring my thoughts out onto a page (or more accurately, a screen). This past month has been a very hectic, dynamic, and at times an extremely stressful month.
So what have I been doing?
House sitting and cat sitting:
The cat ended up getting sick towards the end of the month and for a few days I was very worried and stressed over what had happened (He’s all better now).
A Kindergarten Graduation that was probably fancier than my prom also added to the stress knots in my shoulders. At least I wasn’t the only one feeling overwhelmed and a bit flustered.
Saying Goodbye to Wonderful Friends:
Since March is the start of the new school year in Korea, the end of February often means a lot of goodbyes. And thankfully a more than a few ‘see you laters’ and an exciting ‘see you when I visit in Japan’ from Heather and Beau.
Saying Hello to a Returning Old Friend:
Not everything this month has been bad, and my friend John’s return was a definite mark in the plus column.
I moved!:
I moved down only one flight of stairs to a slightly bigger apartment, but I did it in a day with almost no notice by myself (hence the giant mess, it doesn’t look like this anymore- I promise.)
I got my bike fixed:
With Spring beginning to awaken here in Korea, my bike’s tire is now fixed and I am back in love with my pink wheels.
A New Class:
Also since my Kindergarteners have graduated to 1st grade, I now have a brand new class of kids who are 2 years younger than what I was used to teaching. It’s been a big change and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my confidence has been shaken by all the change and how very young my new students seem. 9 of these little ones are mine this year (9 kids who in America will turn 5 this year).
That with new co-workers, a bunch (4) of wonderful birthday parties in the past few weeks, and general start of school busyness are a few reasons why I haven’t been blogging much lately. I needed a bit of a break for sure.
I’m sorry for the late responses to comments and questions. Thank you all for sticking with me, and a special thank you so much to Kristi for checking on me to make sure I was okay. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back into the swing of things, and I hope everyone has had a good month while I was ‘gone’.
From Busan with Love,
Filed under: adventure, awesome, Busan, culture, lifestyle, South Korea, teaching, travel