I'm sat at my desk at school now and it feels like I've hardly been away, despite spending nearly 3 weeks back in England. Above are the pictures of my room when I walked in shattered on Saturday night, it would appear that without me there Nick had far too much time on his hands.
The month started brilliantly with some skiing at High One although alot of the time was spent on my behind in the snow, wallowing about the lack of skills I have when it comes to skiing. I blame roller derby and my dodgy knees for that!
After that, we wrapped up the last few days at school by madly preparing lists of all the things we wanted to do back in England. After a whole year of being away from some of the things you love, and your're so used to, those lists were as long as my arm.
I shared with you the little bit of customisation that I'd done to my old Mac, RIP. I now have a shiny new computer, so I no longer have these stickers on my keyboard.
I tried to get everyone to come and join me in Korea by telling you how easy it is to come and work here. Is it any surprise seeing as so many of my friends have decided to leave Korea and go on new adventures recently?
Although it seems like I missed some great farewell shindigs in Korea, I had a great time at home. I got to celebrate my sister's 22nd birthday.
Being home reminded me of all the reasons why I love my home town, Sheffield. Lots of friends were seen and food was consumed. I ate my weight in scones and chocolate by visiting the exquisite Cocoa and White Rabbit Cafe in the same day!
The next weekend I went to the city I went to university, Nottingham, where I met up with other friends and some family in Leicester.
I also decided that it was about time my hair got its own post on here after the torture I've put it through...with the weather getting warmer here it's time to start dreading the humidity and what it does to my hair.
On top of all of this I also managed to fit in a trip to the cinema to see Wreck it Ralph, which I would recommend to anyone, and not to mention the fact that I celebrated Christmas, stocking and all in the middle of Feb with my mum. Whst a lovely month.
I'm going to have to call it a night there as the jet lag is playing havoc with me at the moment. I was up at 5:30 this morning, to escape I took Ziggy for a walk. Do you remember Ziggy from January? Look how much he's grown! He's still cute, even if he is gangly at the moment. Sadly he's leaving to his proper home in America this week.
![ziggy 1](http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8509/8382550516_567e6e4a54_b.jpg)
There's also so much more exciting things to update about what I did at home, I'll add it this week, and there are a few new things i'm going to add to the blog, so watch this space! Here's to a productive March!