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Korean RPG: How to Tell the Time & Date


Here's the fourth episode of "Korean RPG," a series for learning quick and easy Korean words and phrases for a variety of situations.

In this week's episode, we'll cover how to tell the date and time.

Check out the video below! You can also review using the RPG's dialogue written out underneath the video.

Billy: 아, 잘 잤다! (a, jal jat-da!)
“Ah, I slept well!”

Billy: 몇 시지? (myeot si-ji?)
“What time is it?”

Billy: 새로운 마을에 왔으니까 시간을 바꿔야겠다. (sae-ro-un ma-eu-re wa-seu-ni-kka si-ga-neul ba-kkwo-ya-get-da.)
“I’m in a new town, so I’d better set my watch.”

Billy: 저기요! 지금 몇 시죠? (jeo-gi-yo! ji-geum myeot si-jyo?)
“Excuse me! What time is it?”

Man: 음…. 9시요! (eum.... a-hop-si-yo!)
“Umm…. 9 o’clock!”

Man: 아니… 아침 9시 2분이요! (a-ni... a-chim a-hop-si i-bun-i-yo!)
“No... 9:02 AM!”

Man: 아마도…. (a-ma-do….)

Billy: 오늘이 무슨 요일이죠? (o-neu-ri mu-seun nyo-i-ri-jyo?)
“What day is today?”

Man: 화요일인 거 같아요. (hwa-yo-i-rin geo ga-ta-yo.)
“I think it’s Tuesday.”

Billy: 고맙습니다! (go-map-seum-ni-da!)
“Thank you!”

Lottery Salesman: 곧 경품 추첨이 시작됩니다! (got gyeong-pum chu-cheom-i si-jak-doem-ni-da!)
“We’re about to start the prize raffle!”

Billy: 얼마예요? (eol-ma-ye-yo?)
“How much?”

Lottery Salesman: 천원이요! (cheon-won-i-yo!)
“1,000 Won!”

Billy: 한 장 주세요! (han jang ju-se-yo!)
“I’ll take one!”

Lottery Salesman: 부폐 식사권 당첨자는 53번입니다. (bu-pye sik-sa-gwon dang-cheom-ja-neun o-sip-sam beon-im-ni-da.)
“The winner of the buffet meal coupon is #53.”

Billy: 와~! 당첨됐다! 부폐 식사권! (wa~! dang-cheom-dwaet-da! bu-pye sik-sa-gwon!)
“Wow! I won! A buffet coupon!”

Lottery Salesman: 당첨자 분들은 4시까지 여기로 와 주세요. (dang-cheom-ja bun-deu-reun ne-si-kka-ji yeo-gi-ro wa ju-se-yo.)
“All winners please return here by 4 o’clock.”

Billy: 왜 아무도 없지? (wae a-mu-do eop-ji?)
“Why is nobody here?”

Billy: 4신데…. (ne-sin-de....)
“It’s 4 o’clock.”

Billy: 이런! 뭐야! (i-reon! mwo-ya!)
“Dang! What the?”

Billy: 시계를 잘못 맞췄나 보네…. (si-gye-reul jal-mot mat-chwon-na bo-ne....)
“I guess I set my watch wrong….”

Billy: 아, 배고파! (a, bae-go-pa!)
“Ah, I’m so hungry!”

The post Korean RPG: How to Tell the Time & Date appeared first on Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean.


 Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean





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