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Korean RPG: How to Introduce Yourself


Here's the third episode of "Korean RPG," a series for learning quick and easy Korean words and phrases for a variety of situations.

In this week's episode, we'll cover how to introduce yourself.

Check out the video below! You can also review using the RPG's dialogue written out underneath the video.

Billy: 휴~! 드디어 “고물” 마을에 도착했다. (hyu~! deu-di-eo go-mul ma-eu-re do-chak-aet-da.)
“Phew! I’ve finally arrived at “Gomul” Town.”

Guard: 누구시죠? (nu-gu-si-jyo?)
“Who are you?”

Billy: 안녕하세요! 저는… (an-nyeong-ha-se-yo! jeo-neun)
“Hello! I’m…”

Guard: 이리 따라오시죠. (i-ri tta-ra-o-si-jyo.)
“Follow us.”

Guard: 낯선 사람을 데리고 왔습니다. (nat-seon sa-ra-meul de-ri-go wat-seum-ni-da.)
“We’ve brought a stranger.”

King: 이름이 뭐야? (i-reum-i mwo-ya?)
“What’s your name?”

Billy: 제 이름은 빌리입니다. (je i-reu-meun bil-li-im-ni-da.)
“My name is Billy.”

King: 여기엔 무슨 일로 왔어? (yeo-gi-en mu-seun il-lo wa-seo?)
“What are you here for?”

Billy: 저는 한국어를 가르치는 사람입니다. (jeo-neun han-gu-geo-reul ga-reu-chi-neun sa-ram-im-ni-da.)
“I teach Korean.”

Billy: 여기에 한국어를 배우고 싶어하는 사람이 많다고 들었습니다. (yeo-gi-e han-gu-geo-reul bae-u-go si-peo-ha-neun sa-ram-i man-ta-go deu-reot-seum-ni-da.)
“I heard there are many people here who want to learn Korean.”

King: 그래, 맞아! (geu-rae, ma-ja!)
“Yes, that’s right!”

King: 공주, 일로 와! (gong-ju, il-lo wa!)
“Princess, come here!”

King: 내 딸이 요즘 한국어를 공부하고 있어. (nae tta-ri yo-jeum han-gu-geo-reul gong-bu-ha-go i-seo.)
“Lately my daughter is studying Korean.”

Princess: 만나서 반갑습니다. (man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da.)
“Nice to meet you.”

Billy: 반갑습니다. (ban-gap-seum-ni-da.)
“Nice to meet you.”

King: 빌리 선생은 나이가 몇이야? (bil-li seon-saeng-eun na-i-ga myeo-chi-ya?)
“Billy (teacher), how old are you?”

Billy: 저는 30살입니다. (jeo-neun seo-reun-sa-rim-ni-da.
“I’m 30 years old.”

King: 완벽해! 내일 당장 수업을 시작하자! (wan-byeok-ae! nae-il dang-jang su-eo-beul si-jak-a-ja!)
“Perfect! Let’s start classes right away tomorrow!”

Billy: 오늘은 여기까지입니다. (o-neu-reun nyeo-gi-kka-ji-im-ni-da.)
“That’s it for today.”

Billy: 질문이 있으세요? (jil-mun-i i-seu-se-yo?)
“Do you have any questions?”

Princess: 드라마는 언제부터 보는 거죠? (deu-ra-ma-neun eon-je-bu-teo bo-neun geo-jyo?)
“So when do we start watching dramas?”

Billy: 지금은 기초적인 것을 먼저 배워야 합니다. (ji-geu-meun gi-cho-jeo-gin geos-eul meon-jeo bae-wo-ya ham-ni-da.)
“For now we need to learn the basics first.”

Princess: 그럼 지금은 K팝으로 공부해요! (geu-reom ji-geu-meun K-pa-beu-ro gong-bu-hae-yo!)
“Then let’s study now with K-pop!”

Billy: 아직 공주님은.... 나중에 다시 얘기하죠. (a-jik gong-ju-ni-meun…. na-jung-e da-si yae-gi-ha-jyo.)
“You’re still.... Let’s talk about it later.”

Princess: 드라마랑 노래로 공부할 거야! (deu-ra-ma-rang no-rae-ro gong-bu-hal geo-ya!)
“I’m gonna learn with dramas and K-pop!”

Princess: 아빠! (a-ppa!)

Princess: 빌리가 아직 드라마하고 K팝은 안 된대! (bil-li-ga a-jik deu-ra-ma-ha-go Kpa-beun an doen-dae!)
“Billy says we can’t use drama and K-pop yet!”

King: 걱정하지 마, 공주야. (geok-jeong-ha-ji ma, gong-ju-ya.)
“Don’t worry, princess.”

King: 빌리랑 오랫동안 공부하면 되니까.... (bil-li-rang o-raet-dong-an gong-bu-ha-myeon doe-ni-kka....)
“Since you can study with Billy for a long time….”

King: 이번 주말에 빌리와 결혼하면 되지. (i-beon ju-ma-re bil-li-wa gyeol-hon-ha-myeon doe-ji.)
“You can marry Billy this weekend.”

Princess: 좋아! (jo-a!)

Billy: 결혼? (gyeol-hon?)

Billy: 저 마을 밖에 책을 놓고 온 거 같은데.... (jeo ma-eul ba-kke chae-geul lo-ko on geo ga-teun-de....)
“I think I left my book outside of the town….”

Billy: 그럼 안녕! (geu-reom an-nyeong!)
“Bye now!”

The post Korean RPG: How to Introduce Yourself appeared first on Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean.


 Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean





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