Hello, everyone! I’m back! It’s been two months since the last time I posted an article in this blog. I apologize for not being able to update my blog as often as I should. It’s just that I’ve been busy with work lately. I just want to say that I am super blessed to be able to find a job that I like most~~~teaching English! My love for teaching started when I was a kid. During my elementary days, I used to pretend that I was the teacher and my playmates were my students. One more thing, English has always been my favorite subject. I love English so much!
When I was about to graduate from high school, my mother asked me about the major which I wanted to pursue in college. So, I told her that I wanted to become a teacher. Unfortunately, my mother didn’t like the idea of me becoming a teacher in the future. She wanted me to take up Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology, and so I did. I was an obedient daughter after all. I love you, mom! Hahaha! I successfully finished this 4-year major, and graduated in 2007.
Fast forward to 2015! My family and I have been living in Korea for 6 months now. It wasn’t easy to find a teaching job at first because I’m not a native English speaker. The hardest part was the rejection. Most employers only want to hire people from English-speaking countries. I’ve been rejected many times. But you know what? I didn’t lose hope. I kept praying and asking God to help me find a teaching job, and He didn’t let me down. God lifted me up when I was down. He once again reminded me that He is an amazing and a loving Father.
Now, I’m enjoying my life as a Filipino expat living in a foreign country. I consider Busan as my second home. I just love it here! You know what the best part is? The opportunity to teach English to kids who keep inspiring me to work harder and improve myself as a teacher. I love teaching because it gives me a different level of happiness. It’s something that money can’t buy.
Here are some of the photos I took with my adorable students.
Thank you for reading my blog! May God bless you! :-)