The LGBT Out Seoul (part of a "Clean Campaign [깨끗한거리]) has created the weirdly useful LGBT Out Seoul website. While their goal is to mobilize individuals to work toward shutting down LGBT businesses in Seoul, Huffington Post Korea has pointed out that the website actually provides quite useful information for LGBT individuals.
Specifically, Huffington Post pointed to the website's map of queer Seoul, where you can click on a specific gu of Seoul and find queer businesses. It is even conveniently color coded with the darker pink regions having more queer businesses. Looks like I should have visited Gangnam more often.
This map is especially useful as the Communications Standards Commission has banned Korea's Pink Map (as I angrily blogged about back in July). Hopefully this map is continuously updated with the hot spots in Seoul.
Huffington Post also points to the section of the site which introduces queer terminology and jargon as a valuable resource. I have introduced some of these words on the blog, but it looks like I have a new resource to share queer Korean words!
Although these bits may be useful to LGBT individuals, the site's objective is clear. They have provided a timeline of gay events (seen at the top of the post) to arrange group protests and one section of the site asks for the submission of LGBT contents, which will likely be used to plan future protests.
Luckily, this is organized by fringe Christians and not led by the government. Though they claim to be supported under the Ministry of Culture, Living, and Tourism, my boyfriend has assured me that said ministry doesn't exist.