Okay, I know this website is all about the ESL Speaking awesome and if you’re looking for that, well, go straight to:
ESL Speaking Activities for Adults
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Let’s Talk Life After Teaching Abroad
However, if you’re perhaps thinking that you don’t want to be an ESL teacher abroad forever and want to return to your motherland, keep reading for the Life After ESL awesome.
I’ve decided to go back to Canada after teaching for 10 years in Korea and I’m not gonna lie to you, my readers, it terrifies me a little bit. You know, that panicky feeling that wakes you up in the night when you wonder if you’re making a terrible, terrible mistake? Yeah, that’s what happens to me. But, it’s the right decision and so in order to feel less freaked out by the whole thing, I decided to get informed. Seriously informed.
I surveyed 55 of my old friends and other random netizens who had taught abroad but returned to their home countries in order to glean as much wisdom as I could from them. They didn’t disappoint and they had some extremely solid advice about how much money you need, dealing with reverse culture shock, networking, and most importantly, finding employment.
I also did a bunch of research and learned a ton about how to become a certified teacher, job outlooks in 2020, and cheap and expensive cities in Canada, USA, England, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. It was kinda…intense…to say the least, having all that stuff floating around in my head for weeks.
Here’s what you need if you’re thinking about going home after teaching ESL abroad:
The result of the survey plus my research and months of all the details ruminating around in my head is a book: Life After ESL: Foreign Teachers Returning Home. I’ve written a few books, but like I think this one is my best yet. And, I’m not just saying that. It really is the best one.
The post Let’s Talk Life After Teaching Abroad appeared first on ESL Speaking.