Yesterday I rented a motorbike again. Driving here is scary. But outside the city it’s soooo fun because there aren’t many people on the road. I drove around aimlessly away from town and saw so many breathtaking things. I stumbled upon a beautiful fishing village with an island. The water was so clear blue it hurt. I walked around on the beach for a while, to many HELLOs from the local children. It looked like the locals were thoroughly engaged in snorkeling and sea urchin hunting. Everyone was friendly, except the young boy who angrily threw sand in my face. Haha.
Then, I went to this place called Haven. The road there was kind of horrifying because it wound up and down steep hills and trucks and huge buses passed me a bit too close for comfort.
Haven is a backpacker’s lounge located in the fishing village of Bai Xep just 10km outside Quinhon. THEY HAVE HUMMUS!!!!!! And loads of foreigners. I met a like-minded Kiwi woman there who was really fun to talk (and rant to) with about my experiences thus far in Vietnam. I also met a bunch of hipster gods and goddesses from around the world. And a group of elitist fat old men who have taken up residence in Quinhon. Ex pilots during the war I think. The owner cool at first then got really shitfaced. I guess that’s how he has survived living in this town for 8 years!
Anyway, here are some pics.