Here's the very first episode of "Korean RPG," a series for learning quick and easy Korean words and phrases for a variety of situations.
In this week's episode, we'll cover how to order food in a restaurant.
Check out the video below! You can also review using the RPG's dialogue written out underneath the video.
아... 정말 배고파. (a... jeong-mal bae-go-pa.)
Ah... I'm so hungry.
뭐 먹지? (mwo meok-ji?)
What do I eat?
아! 여기 뭐 있는지 볼까? (a! yeo-gi mwo in-neun-ji bol-kka?)
Ah! Should I see what's here?
저기요! (jeo-gi-yo!)
Excuse me!
네, 뭐 드릴까요? (ne, mwo deu-ril-kka-yo?)
Yes, what can I get you?
샌드위치 2개 하고요... (saen-deu-wi-chi du-gae ha-go-yo...)
2 sandwiches and...
사이다 주세요. (sa-i-da ju-se-yo.)
... a soda, please.
그리고 치킨 1마리도 주세요. (geu-ri-go chi-kin han ma-ri-do ju-se-yo.)
And give me a chicken too, please.
김치도 많이 주세요. (gim-chi-do ma-ni ju-se-yo.)
Give me a lot of kimchi too, please.
그리고 라면도 하나요. (geu-ri-go ra-myeon-do ha-na-yo.)
And a ramen.
네, 알겠습니다. (ne, al-get-seum-ni-da.)
Okay, I got it.
아! 음식이 너무 많다! (a! eum-si-gi neo-mu man-ta!)
Ah! There's too much food!
그래도 먹을 수 있어! (geu-rae-do meo-geul su i-seo!)
Still, I can eat it!
아, 배부르다! (a, bae-bu-reu-da!)
Ah, I'm full!
계산해 주세요! (gye-san-hae ju-se-yo!)
Please total up the bill!
90,000원입니다. (gu-man-won-im-ni-da.)
That'll be 90,000 won.
저... 돈이 좀 부족한 거 같아요. (jeo... don-i jom bu-jok-an geo ga-ta-yo.)
I... don't have enough money.
뭐라고요! (mwo-ra-go-yo!)
저기, 누구 있어요? (jeo-gi, nu-gu i-seo-yo?)
Is anyone there?
점심 시간입니다. (jeom-sim si-gan-im-ni-da.)
It's lunch time.
아! 정말 배고파요! 점심은 뭐예요? (a! jeong-mal bae-go-pa-yo! jeom-sim-eun mwo-ye-yo?)
Ah! I'm so hungry! What's lunch?
어디 보자.... (eo-di bo-ja....)
Let's see....
샌드위치 2개 하고 사이다 하나... (saen-deu-wi-chi du-gae ha-go sa-i-da ha-na...)
2 sandwiches and a soda...
그리고 치킨 1마리하고 김치... (geu-ri-go chi-kin han ma-ri-ha-go gim-chi...)
And a chicken with kimchi...
아, 그리고 라면도 있네요. (a, geu-ri-go ra-myeon-do in-ne-yo.)
Ah, and hey there's ramen too.
아! 식당에서 주문한 것과 똑같잖아! (a! sik-dang-e-seo ju-mun-han geot-gwa ttok-gat-ja-na!)
Ah! That's the same stuff I ordered at the restaurant!
The post Korean RPG: How to Order Food appeared first on Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean.