After much debate, I decided that I definitely want to stay in Quinhon until my contract ends. If I quit, I’d still have challenges facing me back at home. I’d have to find housing, a job, and a way to study for the LSAT in the midst of all the changes. And I’d have lost the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. So I’m staying (unless I get randomly fired again, which I hope doesn’t happen!).
My modus operandi isn’t to chase a carefree, happy life. I believe in learning to see positives, even in difficult times. Life is stressful, no matter if you’re living in Quinhon or Anapolis. Fulfilling my contract here will be great practice in stress management, and will also give me an invaluable opportunity to learn about a culture different from my own.
I feel like I’m adjusting slowly, and am in a much happier place than I was last week. Today, one of the TAs from the language center took me out to lunch with one of her friends, then we got our nails done. Mine look like this:

Anyway, I’d like to share with you some of my experiences eating in Vietnam. I’ve tried a lot of cool stuff. And to be blunt, I’ve had a lot of diarrhea to go with it.
Here are some of my favorite dishes:
I usually just eat yogurt from my fridge or some fruit for breakfast, but when I go out it’s so delicious!

Vietnam has a strong mocktail game. (And a weeeak alcoholic beverage game. I hate the beer here.)
There are so many bars and cafes that serve really elaborate, strange concoctions of sugary juices and fruit.
I don’t have any pictures to share of mocktails right now, though, sorry!
Sugar cane juice makes a lovely sweet refreshment.
Lunch and Dinner
Com ga. Or chicken rice. Pretty simple.