Queer Movie Butterfly's newest film will be screening through the end of July in select theaters in Seoul. Check out the trailer below:
A follow-up to 2013's 20, Butterfly: The Adult World is a 99film project that was crowdfunded into production.
A quick synopsis of the film:
Cheolsu, the hero from queer film 20, has become an adult and while beginning his social life at a host bar he is learning about life. Through the host bar 'stage', we will see various people and their desires accompanied by a story of those in their twenties. Going over the superficial image of those who work at these types of establishment, this film's director aims to provide a new perspective to the stories of those at gay host bars.
Through the end of the month, catch a limited screening of Butterfly if you happen to be in Seoul.
On the 22nd (Wednesday) and 23rd (Thursday) of July at 5 pm, Chungmuro Station's Ohzemidong has a screening. The theater is right at exit 1 (inside the station I believe). (SOLD OUT, but there may be tickets at the door)
On the 24th, 25th, and 31st there will be a screening at Joy N Cinema in Sinsadong at 7 pm. Heading out of exit 8 of Sinsa station you'd want to turn left after Nonghyeup station and walk about five blocks. Check out the map below.
Finally, SungKongHo University in Guro district will have a screening at 3 pm on Sunday, July 26th. The university is outside of 온수 station (온수역) on line 7 and 1.
Tickets for the the screening at Sinsa's Joy N Cinema can be reserved at Movie Naver or Yes24, while those wanting to see the film at SungKongHo can send a Kakao message to 99film_official participate in a lottery for tickets.