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35. – 38. Green Bean, Cafe Byul, Nidor Coffee, Coffee # (Gimhae)

Green Bean. Green exterior. Appropriate.
Green Bean. Green exterior. Appropriate.
Cafe Byul. This tiny cafe is across the street from the aforementioned Tom N Toms, which is in the same building as The Lounge, the bar all the expats in Gimhae go to get drunk. Occasionally, I pick up wifi from Cafe Byul while sitting at a certain table in The Lounge. I won't tell you which one.
Cafe Byul. This tiny and cute cafe is across the street from the aforementioned Tom N Toms, which is in the same building as The Lounge, the bar all the expats in Gimhae go to get drunk. Occasionally, I pick up wifi from Cafe Byul while sitting at a certain table in The Lounge. I won’t tell you which one.
Nidor Coffee. I am not sure what the #102 is supposed to represent. Is it the 102nd location? Is it nothing? Is it something only the owners of this place could understand? An inside joke? My brain is hurting.
Nidor Coffee. I am not sure what the #102 is supposed to represent. Is it the 102nd location? Is it nothing? Is it something only the owners of this place could understand? An inside joke? My brain is hurting.
Coffee #. In Korea,
Coffee #. In Korea, “#” is only pronounced as “sharp,” as in C-sharp, like in music. In America, where I am from, we would call this symbol “pound.” In other news, coffee by the pound in Korea can be prohibitively expensive. Which is why I buy my coffee beans from Home plus.

JPDdoesROK is a former news editor/writer in New Jersey, USA, who served a one-year tour of duty in Dadaepo/Jangnim, Saha-gu, Busan from February 2013 to February 2014. He is now a teacher in Gimhae.

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