Here are a few of the coffee shops I can walk to. Some, like Cafe Sweet Coax, are close enough that I could walk to all the time if I was in love with their coffee. Others, like Yellow Coffee, may be a bit too far for a last second decision, but are still close enough if I cannot resist having a little color with my caffeine.
I am afraid to ask what’s being coaxed and why it’s so sweet? This place is owned by a nice young couple, who often gives customers little homemade treats for free along with their drinks. Unfortunately, the drinks I’ve had thee (Americano, cappuccino, chocolate frappucino) have been average at best. And unfortunately for them, this place is now right next to a construction project.This chain appears to have some kind of connection to the adjacent restaurant, Nolboo Bossam (specializing in that spam and hot dog stew, Budae JJigae, that became popular during the Korean War), as I have seen a few locations where the two were connected. It appears the coffee side might not be doing so great, though, as they just started selling Tonkatsu (Japanese fried pork cutlet) meals, as well.Located at the beginning of the downtown strip of Gimhae in a relatively new building, The Caffe is also the franchise presently operating throughout the new NC department store in Jangsan. You can get a double shot Americano for 2,000 won, which is about all it has going for it. It’s not very good.This, like Cafe Sweet Coax, falls under the “I’m not sure why they named it this” category. Again, like Cafe Sweet Coax, the owners are very nice, but the space is tight and the coffee is only decent. I last visited a year ago, however, and they’re still in business. So, perhaps they stepped up their game.