The long awaited pie recipe! If you knew how simple and FUN making pie crust is you would never buy frozen again!! Making vegan pie crust is just as easy as conventional crust... BUT its even stronger! You can literally hold a piece of this pie by the crust and it will not break! But the taste is fantastic... I think it's BETTER than doing it the old way.
Here are the ingredients:
2 1/4 cups of All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup of Coconut Oil (make sure it's solid)
1 teaspoon of Salt (rock salt or sea salt... NO MORTON'S)
1 Tablespoon of Sugar (Xylitol, or raw sugar please)
1/2 Cup of Ice Water
**Compare our 5 ingredients with the 18 in Pillbury's Frozen Crust!!!!! If you need to have majored in Latin to read the food label on something, don't eat it!**
STEP 1: In a food processor- pulse the flour, salt, and sugar a few times until mixed.
STEP 2: Add in the coconut oil and pulse until it's crumbly and sticks together when you squeeze it between your fingers. Using a food processor for this step is unconventional, but that's what I'm all about! :) It works perfectly!
You may need slightly less water, or more. Adjust your amount accordingly. This amount of dough will make two pie crusts or 1 pie crust that has a lattice top (like this)
STEP 4: Cut dough in half and reshape into a flat ball. Place dough on a floured counter.
STEP 5: Roll out pie crust and place the dough into the pan.
Check this video on how to roll perfect crust every time.
*TIP- When working with pie dough always keep a dish of ice water and extra flour handy.
STEP 6: Place your PERFECT pie crust into the refrigerator for 1 hour. This will keep it stable while you are baking.
For Thanksgiving, I made a vegan pumpkin pie and pumpkin tarts... not because I'm fancy. Because I only have 1 pie pan :) I made the above dough recipe, and rolled out half the dough onto a pie pan and the rest I put into muffin pans. It turns out half of this dough recipe makes 12 tarts!
Here is the Pumpkin Pie Filling Recipe:
2 1/2 Cups of pumpkin puree
1 Cup of Cashews soaked in water for 3 hours or more. Rinse and drain them well before using.
3/4 Cup of sugar (Xylitol or Raw sugar, please)
2 Tablespoons of Tapioca starch (NO DON'T USE CORNSTARCH!)
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Blackstrap Molasses (Benefits: Calcium, Iron, minerals)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of dried ginger
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
A pinch or two of cloves
STEP 1: Pre-heat oven to 176ºC (350ºF)
STEP 2: Mix everything together until smooth. Those cashews can be stubborn. I usually have to use an immersion blender to get everything smooth.
STEP 3: Pour mixture into pie shell and smooth out the top until it looks good.
STEP 4: Bake for about 35- 40 minutes. Pumpkin pie- just like cheesecake and cookies will not appear done when it actually IS. If it looks done, it's probably over cooked.
STEP 5: In order to keep your pie filling from "cracking" make sure it doesn't cool off too quickly. To easily do this, turn off the oven and crack the door. Leave the pie in for about 15 minutes. It will cool down slower and your pie will have less risk of cracking.
Dr. Bronner's Soap: #16 Austin Buckley
Organic Coconut Oil: #20 roundthemoon
You can click the Random Picker icon below to see the drawing details. :)
Happy Holidays to you all!
I know the holidays can be a bit of a weakness for some people... food and baked goods abound this time of year. But this year, re-think your choices. If there is something you LOVE, there is a way to make it healthy. Just do a little research- you'll be glad you did!
Let me know what you come up with!
Empowered Choices. Empowered Way.
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