yay! After 12 years together we are finally married! Sorry I can not do a proper blog post on it yet, but I will as soon as we return from our Korean wedding and I get settled, I also plan to mesh up my other blog into this one to just make them all one thing I think, I miss blogging but running 3 is too many haha! It was such a busy year with adjusting to life in LA and restarting my business which ended up doing a lot better than I had expected PLUS wedding stuff, so I had no time to blog here and share all the photos I am always hoarding for everyone T_T what a busy year! 2015 I will start back up again though! We have our Korean wedding November 15th so I am looking forward to that one, but for more photos as things happen please to creep around on my instagram (misskika) since I will be snapping a bunch of things while I am in Korea and Japan for sure Miss everyone on here! xoxox