Why do I need to include a copy of my diploma in the application? Having a college degree is one of the elligibility requirements for the EPIK program. Please note, though, that you should ultimately send EPIK a copy of your diploma and not the original, as it will no tbe returned to you.
Does the copy have to be in color? No, black and white is fine.
My diploma’s in Latin. Does that matter? Yes. Ask your university registrar for a copy of the English translation. Obtain that copy and staple it to the copy of your Latin diploma?
What does “notarized” mean? When a document is “notarized,” it means it is validated as a legit copy of its original version. Basically someone (a public notary) needs to put a stamp on it.
What’s an “apostille” and how do I get one? An apostille is a fancy way of proving that a document is legit so that the Korean government will accept it. I used US Authentication Services, but US Legalization is $10 cheaper per document. I sent them my CRC and a copy of my college diploma at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. And if you don’t want the hassle of getting the diploma copy notarized yoruself, both of these services will do that for you too, in addition to apostilling both documents. The whole process of sending the documents, having them processed, and receiving them took about a week and a half for me.
The above is based on my experience applying for the EPIK program and is supplemented by information found on the Reach to Teach Recruiting website.