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ELT Live#5 - Professional Development (Online and off)



ELT Live#5
Professional Development (Online and off)
September 30, 2014

Maria Colussa's profile photoBenjamin L. Stewart's profile photoRita Zeinstejer's profile photoJeff Lebow (you)'s profile photoMaha Abdelmoneim's profile photobrian dean's profile photoVance Stevens's profile photoMichael Griffin's profile photoDaniel Craig's profile photo

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Peggy George
Good morning and greetings from Phoenix AZ. 6:00am Tuesday here. :-)
Peggy George
I found you on koreabridge.net thanks to Vance's email :-)
brian dean
Good evening.
Maria Colussa
Hi all! it´s good to see you all! greetings from cloudy Argentina
Peggy George
Hi Brian and Maria :-)
Maria Colussa
Peggy! I woke up at 530 am here too to be in a hangout with a teacher friend´s class it was amazing!
Peggy George
love that topic!
Maria Colussa
I love the "clap" feature on the live broadcast
Maria Colussa
Hi Rita!
if anyone would like join in
Daniel Craig
I'll stop by soon. Getting an impromptu piano concert from my son. Rare pleasure :-)
Vance Stevens
I'm keeping an eye here in case there are questions from the field
Peggy George
I'd like to hear Brian say more about his challenge related to the culture.
Vance Stevens
there is space in the hangout, want to join us?
Vance Stevens
I can paste the link here
Vance Stevens
cheers, Jeff
brian dean
Jeff made a good point - I teach and the students understand, but they can't change their habits for cultural reasons. As a minor example, Koreans often use domestic software that doesn't always work with international equivalents.
Peggy George
thanks for clarifying that Brian. I definitely understand what you're saying! The example helped a lot :-)
Peggy George
I host and participate in a lot of online PD and one of the biggest challenges I notice is when so many teachers/participants aren't able to use the tech tools and spend much of the meeting time dealing with audio/video/bandwidth issues, etc. and little time on the topic.
Vance Stevens
I will try to pass this into the conversation
Vance Stevens
or maybe Jeff will ...
Vance Stevens
Wish you were with us, you could talk about K12 Online :-)
Vance Stevens
Is what you mentioned a challenge at K12?
Peggy George
I'm thinking that even though he doesn't think they are discussing PD if they are collaborating on projects or work tasks that could be a form of PD (learning).
Vance Stevens
absolutely, I see so many convergences, might mention them in a minute
Peggy George
you're all making me really think about what PD really means. :-) I think of it as professional learning not just participating in conference, webinars, workshops where there are presenters and conversation leaders. What do all of you consider "PD"? :-)
Peggy George
great question Jeff!
Peggy George
Vance is reminding me about the amazing online participation this past year during ISTE by people who weren't able to attend physically. They used the hashtag #notatiste and many people were sharing links, photos, ideas being shared at the conference. Sharing and extending conversations went both ways.
Maria Colussa
I followed the #notatiste hashtag and had lots of fun and learning
Vance Stevens
thanks Peggy :-)
Vance Stevens
incidentally, you might want to come on and tell us about K12 as in the past if you have time
Daniel Craig
I join and leave spaces. listservs, TappedIn, various conferencing sites, nings, blogs, FB, Twitter, ....
Peggy George
The K12 Online Conference is coming soon!! Pre-conference keynote is Oct. 13th: Wes Fryer and the conference runs for 2 weeks from Oct. 20-31. http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=2429 All FREE and asynchronous so time zones aren't an issue :-)
Daniel Craig
I tend to get off them for one reason or other and don't go back. Or at least when I do, I'm no longer so invested
Peggy George
There are so many great curation tools :-)
Peggy George
that's true Jeff--scoop.it requires two clicks to get to the source but the same is true for Pearltrees :-)
Peggy George
I love scoop.it, pearltrees, list.ly and Livebinders for compiling/curating resources to share with others.
Vance Stevens
in a way that's annoying but then again, I often give the scoopit link because it includes my comments
Peggy George
My personal favorite way to compile my own resources and easily share out individual links is Diigo (same as Jeff) but I don't tend to share those bookmarks as lists like I do with Livebinders or scoop.it.
Vance Stevens
I'd like to learn more about Livebinders, I see it used often on your sites without really knowing what it does
Peggy George
I love getting the regular daily emails from scoop.it with the latest additions from the people I follow. Great visual way to get my batteries charged :-)
Vance Stevens
it's another way and it's effective, for me
Peggy George
fascinating thoughts about blogs and their purpose :-)
Peggy George
are all of you planning to participate in Connected Educator Month activities this month? http://connectededucators.org/http://connectededucators.org/
Peggy George
Feedly does a very good job of replaced Google Reader for me. I also love using RebelMouse :-)
Daniel Craig
Flipboard is pretty much all I use for aggregation now.
Vance Stevens
what's the lnk for mendalay?
Daniel Craig
I loved reader, but I spend ages going through my feeds. I have no self-control. I wasa horder of feeds
Symbaloo is great for keeping things organized and works well to work with students
Daniel Craig
With flipboard (or Twitter or Facebook) I just read as much as I can and then let the stream flow
Peggy George
Google apps and add-ons have changed my entire life, professionally and personally. Use them every day to collaborate with others!
Peggy George
agree Jeff and Rita!!!
Peggy George
Facebook can be academic depending on which groups you participate in
Peggy George
why does it say Ello is invite only?
Vance Stevens
quite true
Peggy George
hmmmm.... don't think it's going to be a Facebook killer. :-)
Offering sessions is part of my own PDF
Peggy George
Skype to collaborate and plan :-)
brian dean
Ello is new and possibly in 'beta' whatever exactly that means.
Peggy George
people tend to use hangouts more than Skype these days but Skype is still a very stable way to communicate both with audio and video.
Peggy George
calendars for upcoming shows is a huge help!!! I rely on those a lot!
Peggy George
I love being able to subscribe to the Google calendars for events I want to keep up with.
brian dean
It is challenging to use Skype with a group - or it used to be. Maybe, I am out of date.
Peggy George
I subscribe to the edtechtalk calendars :-) also Vance's calendar :-)
Vance Stevens
my google calendar? (wondering which one)
Peggy George
I participate in at least 5 webinars a week (all free) from http://www.edweb.net and they are all excellent PD for teachers/educators.
Peggy George
edWeb has learning communities for ongoing sharing beyond the webinars and it's a great way to ask questions and get new resources/links.
Vance Stevens
you put me on to that, it's listed at L2g
Peggy George
Peggy George
I subscribe to the edweb calendars too because it's such an easy way to keep up with what's coming up each day.
Peggy George
Steve Hargadon's Learning Revolution site also has a fabulous calendar that brings together events from many groups/organizations including all of the great virtual conferences. http://learningrevolution.com/
Peggy George
:-) thanks Jeff
Thank you Vance for posting this on your site. It really has helped.
Peggy George
yes--Learning Revolution includes lots of different webinars/virtual conferences. My show is Classroom 2.0 LIVE and it is always on his calendar. http://live.classroom20.com
Vance Stevens
thanks for the clarification, I should put that in the recording
Peggy George
thank you all for a fantastic conversation today! you have charged my batteries for the day!!!
Peggy George
great story Maria!!
Peggy George
so glad I set my alarm to wake up early to join you!! :-)
Vance Stevens
thanks Peggy, always nice to see you here
Peggy George
thank you Vance for your awesome job of organizing and communicating these events!
Vance Stevens
you too peggy, thanks to all of us



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