From TV Report: (TKQ: I know that these reports from trashy television websites can be a bit meh, but I think that it is god to know how homosexuality is being portrayed in the entertainment industry)
[TV리포트=황지영 기자] 배우 차수연이 연극 ‘두 번의 결혼식과 한 번의 장례식’에서 레즈비언 효진 역을 연기하기 위해 실제 동성애자를 만났다고 전했다.
[TV Report= Hwang Ji-yeong] Actress Cha Soo-yeon from the film 'Two Weddings and a Funeral' said that she met sexual minorities in order to play the role of Hyo-jin.
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차수연은 2008년 인기리에 방영됐던 KBS드라마 ‘그들이 사는 세상’에서 현빈의 전 여자친구 이연희 역을 맡아 여성스러운 매력과 함께 신비한 이미지를 어필했다. 오는 27일부터는 김조광수가 연출한 연극을 통해 새로운 연기변신을 시도한다.
In 2008's popular "The World That They Live In" on KBS, Cha Soo-yeon played Hyeon-bin's ex girlfriend Lee Yeon-hee, who had a feminine charm and mysterious appeal. From the 27th, she will have a change in acting style with a new role in a play directed by Kim Jho Gwang Su.
In 2008's popular "The World That They Live In" on KBS, Cha Soo-yeon played Hyeon-bin's ex girlfriend Lee Yeon-hee, who had a feminine charm and mysterious appeal. From the 27th, she will have a change in acting style with a new role in a play directed by Kim Jho Gwang Su.
또 이번 레즈비언 역할에 대해 차수연은 “20살때부터 잡지모델로 활동하며 동성애 아티스트들을 많이 봐서 동성애에 대한 선입견은 없었어요. 블로그를 통해 동성애자들이 좋아하는 것, 싫어하는 것 등을 파악했고 동성애 관련 웹툰을 거의 다 읽었어요. 또 실제 레즈비언 커플을 만나 인터뷰 하면서 ‘이들도 우리처럼 사랑, 생활에 있어 별반 다를 게 없구나’라는 생각도 했고요. 이제 드라마, 영화에서 레즈비언 역이 들어온다면 망설임 없이 결정할 수 있을 것 같아요”라고 설명했다.
Speaking of this lesbian role, Cha Soo-yeon said "Since my 20's working as a magazine model I saw many homosexual artists and don't have prejudice towards gay people. I grasped what homosexuals like and hated through blogs, and have read pretty much every webtoon that deals with same-sex love. Also, I've met lesbian couples in real life and while interviewing them thought 'They love and live just like us with no particular differences'. I think I could take this lesbian role without hesitation."
연극무대로 확장해 폭넓은 연기 내공을 쌓고 있는 차수연은 tvN 드라마 '라이어게임'에도 캐스팅돼, 활발하게 활동할 예정이다.
A seasoned actress playing a variety of roles, Cha Soo-yeon is scheduled to appear on tvN's drama 'Liar Game".
황지영 기자 /사진=bnt
This report included bits and pieces of a full interview of Cha Soo-yeon, which can be read over at bnt News.
This report included bits and pieces of a full interview of Cha Soo-yeon, which can be read over at bnt News.