This week at CEV it has not been a regular English Camp schedule. On Monday and Tuesday we taught kindergarten students for two forty minute periods. It was a little crazy but a lot of fun. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing but I really enjoyed myself. The students are really cute. They didn’t understand the fact I couldn’t understand them speaking Korean. They knew many English nursery rhymes so I spent the lessons singing and dancing with them!
We spent the remainder of our working week taking part in a variety of community voluntary projects. On Wednesday all of the foreign and Korean staff from CEV went to a rehabilitation centre to help out. The women assisted in the kitchen handing out lunch to the service users and the men washed the company vans. I think the women got a better deal as it was minus 4 degrees outside!
On Thursday we took part in an anti- violence campaign at a local school. This involved standing outside a school and holding up signs and shouting to sleepy students “no violence” (in English), this all happened in minus 6 degrees at 7.30am! Even though it was an extremely cold early start we really enjoyed helping.
Filed under: Community Voluntary Projects Tagged: Changnyeong English Village, Community Voluntary Projects, Gyeongsangnam-do, Kindergarten, teaching