Let me give you a direct link to Adam R Carr‘s blog.
This is my little addition to his work.
The School Directors.
One step beyond the recruiters are the Hagwon owners. Hagwon owners are ultimately the ones that have this decision, and thus culpability, on their shoulders. If anyone is refusing non-white teachers, it has to be them, right?
As it turns out, this is where it gets a little murky. For some perspective on this point of view, I sat down with English speaking Hagwon owner and blogger Wangjangnim to gain some insight into possible origins of these hiring ‘preferences’.
CTD: Do you feel that this sort of criteria for hiring teachers is in any way justifiable as there is a certain look that is prevalent within the industry (such as pretty young women serving at upscale restaurants in Western society), or do you feel that it is an unnecessary and racist ‘quirk’ that unnecessarily restricts the job market and reflects poorly on Korea?
WJN:. The only thing (imho) that should matter is the overall presentation of the self. If a person cannot abide by some sense of responsibility in regards to their surroundings, one will question their “fit” very fast.
From a business perspective, hiring beautiful people makes more sense. There are certainly aspects that make certain “looks” more appealing in a teaching environment. It is society which makes claims in what is considered more beautiful.