You’re probably wondering whether or not you want to travel to a country like Korea to teach English. If you do decide, you’re probably going to wonder about things like bills, transportation, how to open a bank account, how much Korean will you need to speak, what kind of guys and girls to Korean girls and guys like, and everything else.
Oh, and food.
What is the food like? Is it really spicy? Are there choices for vegetarians? I’ve heard them all. But there is one thing I don’t hear of a whole lot that is related to food in a round about way. “Will I gain weight or get skinny?”
The truth of the matter is that traveling to Korea has an element of stress for everyone. It’s more for some than others, but it’s there. In fact, I had someone in my orientation class who never made it to the teaching part. They just turned around and went home.
And what happens to most people when they get stressed? They EAT!
The degrees to which each of us eat under pressure varies widely. However, as Americans or westerners, we have a tenancy to eat like, well, an American or westerner. There within lies the problem.
There are differences between the indigenous foods here in Korea compared to back home. In America we love processed foods, MSG, artificial sweeteners, fat, salt…everything that tastes good. But you want to know something? So do Koreans. There are snack shops, bakeries, fast food joints, fried chicken joints, pizza joints and burger joints EVERYWHERE. It’s all here. Even though Korean’s “big size” at McDonald’s is basically the standard size back home, you can still get Double Quarter Pounders with cheese.
However, the average Korean has a far smaller circumference than the average American. Why?
Many people have had many opinions on this, but here I share what I’ve noticed and what I believe is the core reason for unnecessary weight gain or obesity in America. It also explains why it isn’t rampant in Korea, though it is beginning to rear it’s ugly head.
The post This is Why Koreans Are THINNER Than Americans appeared first on The Red Dragon Diaries.