From Dailian:
허지웅 게이 발언 "동성애자와 스킨십 경험... 하지만 그쪽아냐"
Heo Ji-ung's Gay Proclamation: "I have experienced skinship with gays, but I'm not that way"
영화평론가 허지웅이 자신이 게이인 줄 알았다고 해 놀라움을 자아냈다.
Causing surprise, movie critic Heo Ji-ung said that he had thought he was gay.
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영화평론가 허지웅이 자신이 게이인 줄 알았다고 해 놀라움을 자아냈다.
Causing surprise, movie critic Heo Ji-ung said that he had thought he was gay.
13일 방송된 tvN ‘현장토크쇼 택시’에 출연한 허지웅은 “동성에게 대시를 받아 본 적이 있느냐”는 김구라의 질문에 “그렇다”고 답해 눈길을 끌었다.
Appearing on the tvN's "Taxi Talk Show", when Kim Gu-ra asked whether he had felt same-sex attraction, his acknowledgement caught attention.
이어 “나는 일반 친구들도 있지만 이반 친구들도 많다. 그래서 나는 어렸을 때 내가 게이인 줄 알았다”며 “동성애자 친구가 있었는데 별로 거부감이 없었다. 호기심에 스킨십도 있었다”고 해 MC들을 충격에 빠뜨렸다.
Following this statement, Heo said "I have many straight friends, but I also have a lot of gay friends. So when I was younger, I thought I was gay." and "I have gay friends and I don't feel a sense of rejection toward them. Furthermore, out of curiosity I have engaged in some skinship," shocking the MCs.
그러나 허지웅은 이내 “시간이 지나보니 그쪽이 아니더라”고 덧붙이며 자신은 게이가 아님을 강조했다.
Soon after Heo stated that "As time passed, I realized I wasn't that way" as well as emphasizing that he wasn't gay.
한편 허지웅은 이날 방송에서 ‘마녀사냥’에 함께 출연하고 있는 곽정은에 대해 ‘내가 안 좋아하는 면을 다 갖고 있는 여자’라고 표현해 시선을 모았다.
Furthermore, concerning Gwak jeong-eun, with whom he will be appearing in "The Witch", he stated "She is a woman with all of the qualities I don't like" which resulted in some raised eyebrows.