I would like to thank my readers for following my blog. It pleases me to see that there are many others who appreciate this highly undervalued, often neglected, and sometimes derided part of Korean culture and literature. I started this blog as a means to polish my rusty knowledge of Classical Chinese. I have learned a ton through preparing each post. All of this encourages me to continue to blogging. To that end, I would like to set up some modest goals for the blog for next year:
- Exhibits: Do at least three exhibits: one on math by Chinese and Korean mathematicians; one on puns on Classical Chinese and Korean by Korean authors; and one about Catholicism by Chinese and Korean Catholics as well as anti-Catholic Confucian polemicists.
- Classical Chinese Primer: Finish the sections on parts of speech and prose constructions; start on the section on poetry.
- Kimhae Kim Clan Jokbo Translations: Translate the prefaces, epilogues, and explanatory notes of at least one edition of the Jokbo. Write articles regarding formation of names and the progenitors of various branches and subbranches of the Kimhae Kim Clan.
- Minor Learning Annotated: Start translating the Annotated Minor Learning, or Sohak Jipju (小學集註, 소학집주), by Zhu Xi (朱熹, 주희, Ju Heui, 1130-1200).
- Explanations on Natural Language Processing: Write a series of blog posts either explaining Asian Character optical character recognition (OCR) or artificial speech recognition.
In short, I would like to shift my focus more on long-term projects. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment here, email me, or message me on Facebook.