This blogger started this series of posts translating Classical Chinese poetry of Korean independence activists primarily to show that Classical Chinese (漢文, 한문) or Hanja (漢字, 한자) is not incompatible with the Korean identity and that efforts to disassociate are merely from a manifestation of unwarranted insecurity. While looking for materials for this series, this blogger was somewhat frustrated with references stating that certain Korean independence activists wrote Classical Chinese poetry but then not being able to find the original text. He was, however, satisfied with what he did found. Having been initially not well versed on this sad period of Korean history, he learned a lot in the processing of researching authors and translating their works. In summary, here are the authors and the poem translated in this series:
- Oh Sechang (吳世昌, 오세창, 1864-1953) - On the Drawing of the Tree Roots and Orchids (露根墨蘭圖, 노근묵란도)
- Hwang Hyeon (黃玹, 황현, 1855-1910) - A Suicide Poem (絶命詩, 절명시)
- Shin Dolseok (申乭錫, 신돌석, 1878-1908) - Ascending the Weolsong Pavilion, I Worry About the Country (登越松亭憂國 등월송정우국)
- Shim Sutaek (沈守澤, 심수택, 1879-1910) - Thinking of My Mother (思萱堂, 사훤당)
- Shin Chaeho (申采浩, 신채호, 1880-1936) - On the Road to Mount Baekdu (白頭山途中, 백두산도중)
- Han Yong’un (韓龍雲, 한용운, 1879-1944) - A Solitary Night (獨夜, 독야)
- Yun Bonggil (尹奉吉, 윤봉길, 1908-1932) - Kindhearted Guests (多情客, 다정객)
- Kim Taek’yeong (金澤榮, 김택영, 1850-1927) - Upon Hearing Ahn Junggeun’s Feat of Repaying the Foe of the Nation (聞安重根報國讐事, 문안중근보국수사)
- Ahn Junggeun (安重根, 안중근, 1879-1910) - A Man’s Song (丈夫歌, 장부가)
- Kim Jwajin (金佐鎭, 김좌진, 1889-1930) - The Anguish Piercing My Innards (斷腸之痛, 단창지통)
This blogger still has more text from other authors, which he will probably translate at a later time. This list can now be found under the Exhibits tab at the top of the of the blog.