AOA Black ( meaning Ace of Angels에이오에이) is a smalled band formed with 5 of the 7 members of the main AOA pop group, Jimin, Choa, Yuna, Youkyung, and Mina. AOA debuted in 2012 and revived a slew of nominations that year from various award shows like SBS MTV, Allkpop Awards, Mnet asian music awards etc. with 3 singles peeking on the Korean music charts all within the top 10 range.
Their newest single as the smaller AOA Black band has done very well in sales so far and has peeked at #9~ it is a sweet and catchy song about a boy (of course) and getting him to stop playing around and notice the girl + say what she really is to him. We originally saw this single while eating some BBQ one night haha it was playing on the TV and Nara turned to me and said “this video is insanely saturated, you are going to looove it” he was right!
It is a really cute and playful video with some colorful fun sets~ so lets take a look at the eye candy, shall we!?
We have a pretty awesome fancy lad concert going on. Can you see his metal heart wing mic stand? AMAZING! Rest of the group is not into it so much though lol
Playing the pop star at the club is Korean comedian Jung Sung Ho from SNL Korea. Apparently his character in this video is inspired by FT Island‘s Lee Hong Ki and CNBlue‘s Jung Yong Hwa.
Meanwhile….. in creepy town.
The creeper is played by Kim Min Gyo also a comedian from SNL Korea!
People really love to draw doodles on jerks in K-pop. Note he is crying sparkle tears and maybe angry farted?
Spotted this while capping and felt it had to be pointed out. That booty is obviously padded lol I always see these undies on sale and wondered it anyone actually used them~ guess so! XD
My lovely friend Honey identified the grabby Mickey hand skirt as a “Lazy Oaf” item! Check out the shop online, they have really cute stuff and are a UK based brand! *_* Someone on the Cute in Korea facebook also commented that they spotted this skirt in Korea at Pop Boutique~ a shop I featured previously.
This shot is so colorful, I love it! Hilarious tattoo tights~ after about 2-3 years as a trend in Japan they are finally picking up in Korea at last! yay!
Back to the dancing creepy guy… I swear his buttcrack is showing through his shirt O_O How did he tuck it in? lol
Flash to Mr. Adorable
Gurrrrr I hate him!
This room reminds me of Lisa Frank for some reason *_*
Best shot I could get of her ring and nails! They look sparkle-tastic and cute for sure
“Mo-ya” means basically “what” in Korean, but it can also be a little rude (Like WTF) since it is informal speaking unless it is used in a sentence. Basically, don’t use it to say “what” literally if you are learning Korean XD
Retro watch tattoos? Awesome!
Eh… determined face?
One gripe I have to get off my chest, LOTS of goofy faces were made in this video with the attempt to be cute~ I could not avoid them in some parts. Seriously, why??? (-_-;) maybe the storyboard was in manga style so they tried to imitate it? lol
멍청아~ = Idiot~
And we have an appearance of the Korean Bunny Bow! I have not spotted one of these in a while, maybe they are coming back? One of my first Korean trend features here on the blog ^^
He gonna get it!
Die die die die die!
Move people.
Mr. Fancy Hands, I know you are giving a concert everyone seems to be really enjoying~ but GIMME DAT MIC.
This is a hostile takeover of the stage
Gur~ also, guitar kitty! Doesn’t that make it hard to play notes correctly though?
Whatever bitch! Taking my fancy mic stand and I am LEAVING!
The stage is now mine! I’m ready to sing about how mad I am at this boy~
The fangirls are not very pleased that the hot boys have been chased away.
Meanwhile~ Mr. Wonderful is still enjoying being adorable with his date
pssst pinky… you forgot to pretend to play that guitar hun
Girls are not impressed by the band switch. Boys are amused by their misery.
I really love the sparkle touches they added to the eye makeup in this video~
Herm? What a bizarre expression they both have on at the same time lol
♥ ♥ ♥
Nice shot of all the bracelets <3 you can snag most of these super cheap in Dongdaemun or Hongdae
♥ ♥ ♥
And end with Korean cutie face #17
*eyes flutter* you notice me now?
Duh what?
that’s right…
haha he looks so terrified
yay you noticed :3
Ok dude, you can have your stage back.
And he returns to the stage… but minus his fabulous manicure, rings, headband, and amazing mic stand! What happened? D:
Watch the video above and let me know what you think! Love the song, love the video, love the clothing, love the rooms, what did you enjoy the most?!