And, I will walk 500 more, as long as this $17 pair of slip-ons I bought at Target before I came here hold out.
Thanks to my friends Sam, Jenna and Hye ri for coming out with me to Geumyeonsan on Sunday as a kind of observed birthday event. It’s always good to be able to stretch ones birthday out for nearly an entire week.
Geumyeonsan is a little different than Gudeoksan, which I hiked with a couple other friends last month. That one had fewer creature comforts. This one had several maekkoli stops along the way. We ended up getting ours down on the ground at a CU. It’s cheaper.
But, still, several hours walking, climbing and navigating our way to the top is going to make you sweat. So will pumping iron!
Thanks, guys, for a great, healthful way to celebrate my birthday–observed.