The mind is a big brickwall
that must be dismantled brick
by brick
Meanwhile, someone adds more bricks
brick by brick
by brick
by brick, by brick
by brick
There are so many
you’re always tempted to turn focus
rather than focus on the one in your hand.
But, pay attention.
You can’t get those bricks off
except one by one
one at a time
one at a time
a glacially slow, painful process
that doesn’t look like real progress
But the alternative is a wall,
complete, no seams, no cracks, letting in no light
Or worse–
A wall so tall,
it topples over you
smothering you
taking your own light
and the light outside.
So, be patient, be polite, be precise, be diligent
But, most of all,
be patient.
JPDdoesROK is a former news editor/writer in New Jersey, USA, now serving a one-year hagwon tour-of-duty in Jangnim and Dadaepo, Busan, South Korea.