The Book on Enlightening the Ignorant, or the Gyemongpyeon (啓夢篇, 계몽편), was another book intended for children. The Gyemongpyeon consists of five chapters: the Head Chapter (首篇, 수편); Chapter on Heaven (天篇, 천편); Chapter on the Earth (地篇, 지편); Chapter on Things (物篇, 물편); and Chapter on Man (人篇, 인편). It was usually taught either after or during when children learned the Thousand Character Classic (千字文, 천자문). Also, when it was taught after the Thousand Character Classic, instructors used either this work or the First Lesson for Ignorant Children (童夢先習, 동몽선습, Dongmongseonseup). It is uncertain when the book was first published and who the author was.
物篇 물편
Chapter on Things
天地生物之數가 有萬其衆而若言其動植之物, 則草木禽獸蟲魚之屬이 最其較著者也니라.
천지생물지수가 유만기중이약언기동식지물, 즉초목금수충어지속이 최기교저자야니라.
The number of living things on heaven and earth is ten thousand in their multitude, but if [we] speak of the things that move and are planted, they are a part of the the grass, trees, birds, beasts, insects, and fish, and are comparatively the most apparent things.
飛者爲禽이요 走者爲獸요 鱗介者爲蟲魚요 根植者爲草木이니라.
비자위금이요 주자위수요 린개자위충어요 근식자위초목이니라.
Those that fly are birds; those that run are the beasts; those that are scaled or have shells are insects and fish; and those whose roots are planted are grass and trees.
飛禽은 卵翼이요 走獸는 胎乳하니, 飛禽은 巢居하고 走獸는 穴處하고,
비금은 란익이요 주수는 태유하니, 비금은 소거하고 주수는 휼처하고,
The flying birds are born from eggs; the running beasts are nursed in the womb. The flying birds live in nests; the running beasts reside in caves.
蟲魚之物化生者, 最多而亦多生於水濕之地니라.
충어지물화생자, 최다이역다생어수습지지니라.
The things that change and are born into the insects and fish are the most many and also many are born onto land made wet by water.
春生而秋死者, 草也오 秋則葉脫而春復榮華者, 木也라.
춘생이추사자, 초야오 추즉엽탈이춘복영화자, 목야라.
The things that in the Spring come alive and in the Autumn die are grass. The things that in autumn autumn their leaves drop and in the Spring return in glory are the trees.
其葉이 蒼翠요 其花五色이니, 其根이 深者는 枝葉이 必茂하고 其有花者는 必有其實이니라.
기엽이 창취요 기화오색이니, 기근이 심자는 지엽이 필무하고 기유화자는 필유기실이니라.
Its leaves are blue and emerald green and its flowers [come in] five colors. Those that have deep roots, the leaves on the branches are certainly thick. Those that have flowers certainly have their fruit.
虎豹犀象之屬은 在於山하고 牛馬鷄犬之物은 畜於家하니 牛以耕墾이요 馬以乘載요
호표수상지속은 재어산하고 우마계견지물은 축어가하니 우이경간이요 마이승재요
The kinds of tigers, leopards, water buffaloes, and elephants are in mountains. The things of oxen, horses, chickens, and dogs are domesticate at the home. Oxen [are used] to till the fields. Horses [are used] to ride and carry.
- 犀(서) – Water buffalo (무소)
犬以守夜오 鷄以司晨이요 犀取其角이요 象取其牙오 虎豹는 取其皮니라.
견이수야오 계이동신이요 수취기각이요 상취기아오 호표는 취기피니라.
Dogs [are used] to guard the night. The chickens [are used] to forecast the dawn. Water buffaloes have their horns. Elephants have their tusks. Tigers and leopards have their leather.
山林에 多不畜之禽獸하고 川澤에 多無益之蟲魚
산림에 다불축지금수하고 천택에 다무익지충어
In the forest of the mountains, many are birds and beasts that are not domesticated. In the streams and brooks, many are the insects and fish that are not of profit.
故로 人以力殺하고 人以智取하여 或用其毛羽骨角하고 或供於祭祀賓客飮食之間이니라.
고로 인이력살하고 인이지취하여 혹용기모우골각하고 혹공어제사빈객은식지간이니라.
Therefore, man using his strength kills them and man using his wisdom obtains them. Some use their hair, feathers, bones, and horns. Some offer them among the drink and food offered at ancestral rites to receive guests and company.
走獸之中에 有麒麟焉하고 飛禽之中에 有鳳凰焉하고 蟲魚之中에 有靈龜焉하고 有飛龍焉하니
주수지중에 유기린언하고 비금지중에 유봉황언하고 충어지중에 유령귀언하고 유비룡어하니
Amid the running beasts, there are Girin (麒麟, 기린). Amid the flying birds, there are phoenixes (鳳凰, 봉황). Amid the insects and fish, there are ghost-like turtles (靈龜, 영귀) and there are flying dragons (飛龍, 비룡).
此四物者는 乃物之靈異者也라 故로 或出於聖王之世니라.
차사물자는 내물지령이자야라 고로 혹출어성주지세니라.
These four things are indeed the numinous and outlandish things. Therefore, they originated from the times of the sagely kings.
稻梁黍稷은 祭祀之所以供粢盛者也오 豆菽麰麥之穀은 亦無非養人命之物
도량서직은 제사지소이공자성자야로 두숙모맥지곡은 역무비양인명지물
Rice, millet, maize, and barnyard-millet are things offered in abundance at ancestral rites. The cereal of beans, red beans, unhulled barley, and barley also are not things that cannot raise human life.
- 黍(서) – Maize or corn (기장).
- 稷(직) – A type of millet (피).
- 粢(자) – To offer grains for ancestral rites.
- 菽(숙) – Red beans (팥).
- 麰(모) – A type of barley (大麥, 대맥).
故로 百草之中에 穀植이 最重이요
고로 백초지중에 곡식이 최중이요
Therefore, among the hundreds of grasses, planting them is the most heavy.
犯霜雪而不凋하고 閱四時而長春者는 松柏也니 衆木之中에 松柏이 最貴니라.
범상설이불주하고 열사시이장춘자는 송백야니 중목지중에 송백이 취귀니라.
Those which conflict with frost and snow but do not wither and see the four seasons but are always spring-like are the pine trees and white pine trees. Among the multitude of trees, the pine trees and white pine trees are the most noble.
- 凋(조) – To wither (시들다).
梨栗柿棗之果 味非不佳也로대 其香이 芬芳故로 果以橘柚로 爲珍하고
리률시조지과 미비불가야로대 기향이 분방고로 과이귤유로 위진하고
The fruits of pears, chestnuts, persimmons, and dates certainly taste beautiful. Their fragrance are flower-like. Therefore, [among] fruits clementines and citrus fruit are [considered] as treasures.
- 柿(시) – Persimmons (감).
- 棗(조) – Dates (대추).
蘿蔔蔓菁諸瓜之菜 種非不多也로대 其味辛烈故로 菜以芥薑으로 爲重이니라.
라복만청제과지채 종비불다야로대 기미신렬고로 채이개강으로 위중이니라.
[Concerning] mugwort, white radish, turnip, chives, and all other vegetables, their kinds are certainly many. Their tastes are spicy and hot. Therefore, [among vegetables] mustard and ginger are [considered] important.
- 蘿(라) – Mugwort (쑥).
- 蔔(복) – White radish (무).
- 蔓(만) – Turnip (순무).
- 菁(청) – Chives (부추).
- 瓜(과) – Here, refers to other vegetables.
- 芥(개) – Mustard (겨자).
- 薑(강) – Ginger (생강).
水陸草木之花可愛者 甚繁而陶淵明이 愛菊하고
수륙초목지화가애자 심번이도연명이 애국하고
The flowers of the grasses and trees on the waters and land, which are lovely, are very thriving. Tao Yuanming (陶淵明, 도연명, Do Yeonmyeong, 365-427) loved chrysanthemums.
周濂溪이 愛蓮하고 富貴繁華之人이 多愛牧丹하나니
주렴계이 애련하고 부귀번화지인이 다애모란하나니
Zhou Lianxi (周濂溪, 주렴계, Ju Ryeomgye, 1017-1073) loved lotus flowers. [Among] rich, noble, and flourishing people many loved peonies.
淵明은 隱者故로 人以菊花로 比之於隱者하고 濂溪는 君子故로 人以蓮花로 比之於君子하고
연명은 은자고로 인이국화로 비지어은자하고 겸계는 군자고로 인이련화로 비지어군자하고
Yuanming (淵明, 연명, Yeonmyeong) was a hermit. Therefore, people with chrysanthemum are compared to hermits. Lianxi (濂溪, 염계, Yeomgye) was a gentleman (君子, 군자). Therefore, people with lotus flowers are compared to gentlemen.
牧丹은 花之繁華者故로 人以牧丹으로 比之於繁華富貴人이니라.
모란은 화지번화자고로 인이모란으로 비지어번화부귀인이니라.
Peonies are the [most] flourishing among flowers. Therefore, people with peonies are compared to people who are flourishing, rich, and noble.
物之不齊는 乃物之情故로 以尋丈尺寸으로 度物之長短하고
물지불제는 내물지정고로 이심장척촌으로 도물지장단하고
The unevenness of things are [representative] of the characteristic of the thing. Using Shim (尋, 심), Jang (丈, 장), Cheok (尺, 척), Chon (寸, 촌), the length and shortness of the things [can be] measured.
Measurement Units for Lengths:
- Shim (尋, 심) – 1 Shim = 6 Cheok.
- Jang (丈, 장) – 1 Jang = 10 Cheok.
- Cheok (尺, 척/자) – 1 Cheok = 10 Chon.
- Chon (寸, 촌) – Approximately 3.33cm.
以斤兩錙銖로 稱物之輕重하고
이근량치수로 칭물지경물하고
Using Geun (斤, 근), Nyang (兩, 냥), Chi (錙, 치), and Su (銖, 수), the lightness and heaviness of things [can be] called.
Measurement Units for Weights:
- 斤(근) – About 600 grams.
- 兩(량) – 16 Nyang = 1 Geun.
- 錙(치) – 8 Nyang = 1 Chi.
- 銖(수) – 24 Su = 1 Nyang. 1 Su was supposed to be equal to the weight of 100 grains.
以斗斛升石으로 量物之多寡니라.
이두곡승석으로 량물지다과니라.
Using Du (斗, 두), Gok (斛, 곡), Seung (升, 승), and Seok (石, 석), how many or how few of things [can be] counted.
Measurement Units for Volumes:
- Du (斗, 두/말) – 1 Du = 10 Seung.
- Gok (斛, 곡) – 1 Gok = 10 Du(?).
- Seung (升, 승/되) – About 1.8 liters.
- Seok (石, 석/섬) – 1 Seok = 10 Du.
算計萬物之數 莫便於九九하니 所謂九九者는 九九八十一之數也라.
산계만물지수 막편어구구하니 소위구구자는 구구팔십일지수야라.
To count and measure the numbers of all things, nothing is easier than [counting off by] nines. The so-called nine-nine [method] is the number nine [times] nine [equals] eighty-one.
- Zhou Lianxi (周濂溪, 주렴계, Ju Ryeomgye) is the posthumous name (諡, 시) of Zhou Dunyi (周敦頤, 주돈이, Ju Don’i, 1017-1073), a Neo-Confucian cholar during the Song dynasty. The reference is in line to his work, On the Love of the Lotus (愛蓮說, 애련설).
- The nine-nine method (九九法, 구구법) refers to the multiplication table where both the vertical and horizontal axes are labeled 1 through 9.
